Australia Honey Market 规模与份额分析 - 成长趋势与预测 (2024 - 2031)

Australia Honey Market is Segmented By Flavor (Multiflora Honey, Eucalyptus Honey, Sidr Honey, Ajwain Honey, Others), By Distribution Channel (Supermarket/Hypermarket, Convenience Store, Online Retailers, Others). The report offers the value (in USD million) for the above-mentioned segments.

澳大利亚蜂蜜市场 Size

市场规模(美元) Mn


研究期2024 - 2031
主要玩家澳大利亚蜂蜜产品, 蜜糖澳大利亚, Biosota有机物有限公司, 巴克曼·哈尼,专卖局长, Comvita有限公司 and Among Others.
*来源:Coherent Market Insights
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澳大利亚蜂蜜市场 Analysis

澳大利亚蜂蜜市场估计价值为: 2024年711万美元 预计将达到 1,226.5美元 到2031年时以复合年增长率增长 (CAGR)从2024年到2031年占8.1%.

过去几年来,澳大利亚的蜂蜜市场出现了积极的趋势。 消费者日益认识到蜂蜜的各种健康惠益,如其抗菌、抗风和抗氧化剂特性。 这大大推动了需求。 此外,不断变化的生活方式和繁忙的时间表增加了对包装的、方便的蜂蜜形式的需求,这些蜂蜜可以继续消费。 在国内经营的公司正在推出创新的蜂蜜产品,如喷入蜂蜜、可挤压瓶和满足这种需求的单服务箱。 此外,主要行为者通过各种营销活动进行的促销正在市场产生更多的认识和刺激。 由于消费者愿意为优质蜂蜜支付溢价,预计澳大利亚蜂蜜市场将在预测期间继续其正增长趋势。

澳大利亚蜂蜜市场 Trends


随着人们日益认识到加工糖的不良后果,人们正转向天然甜味剂来满足其甜味的渴望. 蜂蜜正在将日益增长的需求视为糖类的更健康的替代品. 消费者理解蜂蜜与糖相比具有各种营养效益. 它含有几种维生素,矿物质,以及抗氧化剂. 已知蜂蜜中的氟虫素和其他植物营养素具有抗炎性和抗菌性. 一些研究还表明,蜂蜜可能有助于增强免疫功能和耐力。

虽然卡路里和碳水化合物如糖含量较高,但蜂蜜加工较少。 它的葡萄糖和葡萄糖的成分缓慢地进入血液,防止血糖水平的突然突起和下降. 这使得蜂蜜成为人们管理糖尿病或观察其体重的合适甜品. 希望减少糖摄入量的健康意识青年的需求很大。 体育营养和表演品牌正在利用蜂蜜的活力特性来制作健康的零食和饮料。 在社交媒体上,

现在医生建议在日常饮食中用蜂蜜取代白蔗糖. 许多家庭在考虑长期健康的同时做出了转变。 即使是倾向于甜食的儿童,如果作为均衡饮食的一部分适度提供蜂蜜,也能从中获益。 零售货架正投入更大的空间来描绘澳大利亚的蜂蜜及其可追踪的起源和无化学品提取过程。 广告凸显了养蜂在澳大利亚乡村风景区留下的遗产,以及使用天然蜡封罐来保持纯洁. 它使当地的蜂蜜成为澳大利亚消费者健康和环境可持续性的象征.


为应对全球肥胖危机,食品制造商面临压力,不得不减少包装商品的糖含量。 欧洲联盟等大型市场已提议限制添加的糖类,而主张征收糖类税的宣传运动则影响了全世界的消费者情绪。 公司需要用可行的办法解决天然的甜食产品,而不使用带有健康污名或损害顾客预期的品味经验的人工甜食剂。

蜂蜜已经成为一种流行的糖类替代品,用于糖果和面包店品牌. 其细微的焦糖和花被水果,香料或酸奶混合后会增强香味. 精华巧克力制造商已经引进了当地来源的花生蜂蜜品种,以制作吸引国际客户的独特美食棒。 特产饮料也接受了蜂蜜的多用途性,有姜,柠檬和肉桂等品种的创新. 随着人们对其营养特性的认识与经过加工的糖相比有所增强,即使是口味的产品也在肉类、谷物和蔬菜上试验蜜胶。

有机食品和特产食品特别支持澳大利亚蜂蜜在阳光明媚的灌木场上产生可追踪的蜜蜂来源,没有受到农药或聚落崩塌紊乱的污染,其他来源也受到影响。 这种来源使得蜂蜜在未来繁荣的健康和健康零售渠道中可以占据高额货架空间. 其广泛的二级应用已经扩大,不仅仅是取代食用糖。 澳大利亚蜂蜜的多种原生植物来源使其成为烹饪创造力的组成部分。 可持续性证书进一步促进了对正在进行道德改革的品牌的吸引力。 在未来几年中,蜂蜜正在成为全球和地方市场主导的天然甜点。

Australia Honey Market Key Factors

市场挑战: 生产成本高

澳大利亚蜂蜜市场的生产者面临的主要挑战之一是生产成本高。 养蜂和蜂蜜生产是一个劳动密集型的过程,需要大量人力来完成蜂巢检查,蜂蜜提取和加工等任务. 澳大利亚人口少,分布在广大的地理区域,这提高了跨区域移动设备和产品的运输和物流成本。 此外,诸如养蜂场偏远、恶劣天气条件和病虫害流行等因素增加了澳大利亚养蜂人操作的复杂性和费用。 国家面临设备、养蜂人保护用具和缺粮期间补充营养餐等投入成本上升的问题。 此外,由于影响蜂蜜商品出口市场的全球供求因素,生产者对价格几乎没有控制。 遵守严格的国际标准和认证的高成本也影响到出口的澳大利亚蜂蜜的幅度。 除非通过技术进步、规模效益或补贴降低生产成本,否则高成本将继续挤压当地蜂蜜生产者的利润。

市场机会: 市场出口机会

鉴于澳大利亚的食品安全标准和追踪系统很高,澳大利亚的蜂蜜市场通过出口提供了巨大的增长机会。 澳大利亚与许多国家签订了自由贸易协定,取消其蜂蜜出口的关税和非关税壁垒。 澳大利亚的大部分蜂蜜生产已经出口,主要市场是中国、德国、美国、马来西亚和阿拉伯联合酋长国。 然而,有可能进一步扩大向印度、印度尼西亚和越南等中产阶级崛起的亚洲新兴经济体的货运,这些国家对高质量可追踪食品的需求正在迅速增加。 澳大利亚的蜂蜜生产者还可以研究单流、有机和马努卡蜂蜜等特殊行业的新出口品种和增值产品,以利用国际市场的溢价点。 与全球大型进口商和分销商建立战略伙伴关系将有助于提高澳大利亚的出口竞争力。 出口十分注重渗透现有市场和确定新的海外机会,是澳大利亚蜂蜜业未来增长的最佳途径。

Segmental Analysis of 澳大利亚蜂蜜市场

Insights by product type: Demand for Industrial Applications Drives Growth in the Non-Grain Oriented Segment

Within the Australia honey market in terms of product type, the non-grain-oriented segment contributes the 80.59% share in 2024. This segment has seen significant growth driven primarily by increasing demand from various industrial applications.  Honey with a non-grain-oriented structure has several material qualities making it suitable for a wide range of industrial uses. Its amorphous molecular arrangement allows it to be easily molded and machined into complex shapes required for many mechanical and electrical components. Additionally, non-grain oriented honey is non-crystalline in nature giving it uniform magnetic properties regardless of direction.

This consistency of characteristics makes non-grain oriented honey ideal for applications involving the transfer or control of magnetic fields like electric motors. It serves as an efficient magnetic core material able help optimize motor torque and power. The steady growth of industries utilizing electric motors such as household appliances, industrial machinery, and automotive has created ongoing need for non-grain oriented honey. Another major use is in inductors commonly found in electronics and power supply equipment. The ability of non-grain oriented honey to uniformly guide magnetic flux lines through its material helps inductors maintain consistent performance. Rising electronic device production in Australia contributes to demand.

Other industrial applications driving the non-grain oriented segment include transformers in power generation and distribution infrastructure. Overall, the diversity and rapid expansion of industries relying on electric, magnetic, and electronic components has sustained high consumption of the versatile non-grain oriented honey type. Without preferred orientation properties hindering its material properties, non-grain oriented honey remains invaluable to a number of growing industrial sectors.

Australia Honey Market Segment Type

Insights by application: Motors Segment Leads in Application Type Due to Widespread Use

Among the different application types within the Australia honey market, motors account for the 66.61% share in 2024. The motors segment has seen significant and continued growth attributed mainly to honey's vital role as a core component. Nearly all electric motors require a honey core to function properly. Honey's soft magnetic qualities serve to effectively guide magnetic flux and maximize motor torque and efficiency. Its uniform properties allow consistent motor performance regardless of size or power rating.

As electric motors are extensively used across many industries and devices, their widespread application drives heavy demand for motor core materials like honey. Sectors including industrial machinery, consumer goods, home appliances, vehicles, and HVAC systems extensively utilize motors of various sizes.  In Australia, growing industries like manufacturing, construction, transportation and logistics rely on different motorized equipment in their daily operations. Emerging applications of electric motors also include various robotics and automation technologies seeing broader implementation.

Beyond traditional motor applications, electrical steering and braking systems using coreless and brushless motor configurations also use honey. Electrical vehicles are another new sector adopting advanced motor technologies. With electric motors integrated throughout much of Australia's industrial infrastructure as well as many consumer products, stable growth of motor-dependent industries ensures ongoing need for high-quality motor core materials. As a preferred and efficient magnetic core option, honey is critical to the large and rapidly expanding motors segment.

Competitive overview of 澳大利亚蜂蜜市场

澳大利亚蜂蜜市场主要运营商包括澳大利亚蜂蜜产品,蜂蜜澳大利亚,Biosota有机品私人有限公司,巴克曼蜂蜜,LLC,Comvita有限责任公司,澳大利亚蜂蜜产品,Biosota有机品私人有限公司,LLC,Comvita有限责任公司,蜂蜜澳大利亚,澳大利亚蜂蜜产品,Biosota有机品私人有限公司,荷兰黄金蜂蜜,Capilano蜂蜜有限公司,巴克曼蜂蜜,LLC,Comvita有限责任公司,Beyoond the Hive

澳大利亚蜂蜜市场 Leaders

  • 澳大利亚蜂蜜产品
  • 蜜糖澳大利亚
  • Biosota有机物有限公司
  • 巴克曼·哈尼,专卖局长
  • Comvita有限公司
*Disclaimer: Major players are listed in no particular order.

澳大利亚蜂蜜市场 - Competitive Rivalry, 2023

Market Concentration Graph


Market Consolidated
(Dominated by major players)
Market Fragmented
(Highly competitive with lots of players.)
*Source: Coherent Market Insights

Recent Developments in 澳大利亚蜂蜜市场

  • 蜜蜂产品合作研究中心是西澳大利亚大学的一个为期五年的研究项目,于2022年末正式到期. 该方案将来自不同学科的研究人员聚集在一起,研究蜂蜜生产,并帮助提高澳大利亚蜂蜜在出口市场的价格。

澳大利亚蜂蜜市场 Report - Table of Contents

    • Research Objectives
    • Assumptions
    • Abbreviations
    • Report Description
      • Market Definition and Scope
    • Executive Summary
      • Australia Honey Market, By Flavor
      • Australia Honey Market, By Distribution Channel
    • Coherent Opportunity Map (COM)
    • Market Dynamics
    • Impact Analysis
    • Key Highlights
    • Regulatory Scenario
    • Product Launches/Approvals
    • PEST Analysis
    • PORTER’s Analysis
    • Merger and Acquisition Scenario
  4. Australia Honey Market
    • Impact in Supply Side and Demand Side Analysis
    • Economic Impact
  5. Australia Honey Market, By Flavor, 2024-2031, (USD Mn)
    • Introduction
      • Market Share Analysis, 2024 and 2031 (%)
      • Y-o-Y Growth Analysis, 2019 - 2031
      • Segment Trends
    • Multiflora Honey
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Mn)
    • Eucalyptus Honey
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Mn)
    • Sidr Honey
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Mn)
    • Ajwain Honey
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Mn)
    • Others
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Mn)
  6. Australia Honey Market, By Distribution Channel, 2024-2031, (USD Mn)
    • Introduction
      • Market Share Analysis, 2024 and 2031 (%)
      • Y-o-Y Growth Analysis, 2019 - 2031
      • Segment Trends
    • Supermarket/Hypermarket
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Mn)
    • Convenience Store
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Mn)
    • Online Retailers
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Mn)
    • Others
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Mn)
    • Honey Australia
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Australian Honey Products
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Biosota Organics Pty Ltd
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Dutch Gold Honey
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Capilano Honey Ltd.
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Barkman Honey, LLC
    • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Comvita Limited
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Beeyond the Hive
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Analyst Views
    • Research Methodology
    • About us

澳大利亚蜂蜜市场 Segmentation

  • 由弗莱弗
    • 多芙罗蜜
    • 欧卡利普图斯 亲爱的
    • 希德・哈尼
    • 阿华因亲爱的
    • 其他人员
  • 按分发频道
    • 超级市场/超级市场
    • 方便存储器
    • 在线零售商
    • 其他人员

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