AI-based Digital Pathology Market 规模与份额分析 - 成长趋势与预测 (2024 - 2031)

AI-based Digital Pathology Market is Segmented By End-Users (Academic Institutions, Hospitals / Healthcare Institutions, Laboratories, Diagnostic Institutions, Research Institutions), By Area of Application (Diagnostics, Research, Other Applications), By Geography (North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa). The report offers the value (in USD Billion) for the above-mentioned segments.

基于AI的数字病理学市场 Size

市场规模(美元) Bn


研究期2024 - 2031
主要玩家Aiforia 技术, Akoya 生物科学, Ibex 医学分析, 印地语实验室, 路径AI and Among Others.
*来源:Coherent Market Insights
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基于AI的数字病理学市场 Analysis

基于AI的数字病理学市场估计价值为: 2024年1.1 Bn美元 预计将达到 到2031年,1.8 Bn美元, 以复合年增长率增长 (CAGR)从2024年到2031年占8.3%. AI和病理工作流程数字化的日益融合,以及对更准确和更快诊断的需求,正在推动这个市场的增长。

市场正出现积极的趋势,越来越多的数字病理学的采用提高了保健设施的工作效率。 关键角色正在投资开发更先进的AI和基于机器学习的算法和系统,以获得大份额. 一些医院和诊断中心也正在用数字病理学取代传统的显微镜,以满足日益增长的诊断需要。

基于AI的数字病理学市场 Trends

市场驱动力 -- -- 在病理学中越来越多地采用AI驱动的诊断工具

病理学家越来越多地采用AI驱动的诊断工具,以加强工作流程,提供更准确的诊断. 组织病理学图像分析涉及在显微镜下检查组织滑动,以检测疾病. 然而,在短时间内手动分析数百个高分辨率图像是一个乏味且容易出错的过程. 此外,准确性在很大程度上取决于病理学家的经验和疲劳程度. 人工智能已经证明了分析数码病理学图像比人类快得多的能力,并检测出肉眼可能忽略的微妙视觉模式. 几个初创企业和大型技术公司目前正在开发基于AI的系统,这些系统可以接受关于庞大图像数据集的培训,以识别复杂的形态特征. 这些工具一旦在临床环境中得到验证,可望大大提高病理学家的诊断能力。

许多早期的收养者报告说,诊断性审查时间缩短,通过AI应用程序改进了报告的一致性。 例如,一项开创性的研究表明,人工智能系统可以分析活检样本的整个幻灯片图像,并以与经验丰富的病理学家相当的专业知识水平准确检测乳腺癌. 这有助于病理学家优先处理需要紧急审查的难题。 在另一项研究中,一个AI动力的虚拟显微镜读取格莱森前列腺癌分级的前列腺生物检查比病理学家通常在不损害准确性的情况下更快. 这些已证明的优势是迫使医院和诊断实验室与基于AI的算法一起投资数字病理工作流程. 供应商也在优化其平台,以便与实验室信息系统以及电子健康记录进行无缝整合,从而更好地作出临床决策。

市场驱动力 -- -- 慢性疾病的发病率上升,需要先进的诊断解决方案

由于人口老化和生活方式的改变,癌症、心血管疾病和糖尿病等慢性疾病在世界范围内不断上升。 预计在未来几十年中,仅癌症发病率将继续大幅增加。 慢性病的治疗和管理对保健系统造成了巨大的财政和劳动力需求压力。 同时,通过准确的诊断进行早期检测可显著改善许多慢性疾病的健康结果。 这就需要病理学实验室在保持最高质量和周转时间标准的同时,定期检查越来越多的样品。 AI应用程序非常适合通过提高诊断工作流程的效率和效力来帮助应对这些挑战.

先进的机器学习算法可以比人类更客观地从复杂的病理学图像中提取洞见,支持早期癌症筛查方案. 同样,AI工具可以帮助临床医生通过数字化心血管组织滑动的计算分析,对心脏病患者作出更快的治疗决定. 除了协助进行初级诊断外,大赦国际还能够根据纵向健康记录对长期慢性病的治疗反应进行计算机辅助的预测和监测。 这为更个性化的护理方法提供了机会。 因此,诊断实验室正在积极评估人工智能驱动数字解决方案,以便以成本效益高的方式扩大业务规模,应对不断增加的慢性病病例,同时继续提供医疗保健方面预期的专家水平的准确性和可靠性。

AI-based Digital Pathology Market Key Factors


目前影响基于AI的数字病理学市场增长的主要挑战之一是实施这种系统的成本高昂。 建立整个幻灯片成像系统以及伴随的AI和计算基础设施需要大量资本支出,许多医院和实验室,特别是较小的中心或发展中国家的医院和实验室,目前可能负担不起。 需要将整个组织病理学幻灯片库数字化,这也有助于使这些系统在最初部署时费用昂贵。 劳动力和消耗品方面的长期业务费用随着数字病理学的出现而减少,但说服利益攸关方作出如此庞大的预付投资仍然是一项挑战。 这种投资的回报可能也不清楚。 因此,可负担性问题是一个关键的路障,需要加以解决,以便在全球范围内更广泛地采用这一有希望的技术。 对病理学家和实验室进行处理和解释数字图像的培训也增加了费用。

市场机会 -- -- 在新兴市场扩大AI应用

然而,基于AI的数字病理学解决方案也有强劲的增长机会. 这种机会之一是将AI应用扩展到新兴市场。 虽然西方发达经济体已初步采用这种技术,通常由主要的癌症中心和研究医院带头采用,但新兴市场仍然相对未开发。 这些地区正在经历癌症等日益加重的疾病负担,但面临着病理学家短缺和资源匮乏等挑战。

AI和数字病理学提供了提高诊断效率、周转时间和准确性的前景。 销售商可注重开发更负担得起的定制解决方案以及适用于发展中国家公共卫生需要和保健基础设施的翻译研究。 这将使技术能够到达具有最大潜在影响的地区,推动长期数量和收入。 与地方利益攸关方建立伙伴关系对于促进采用量身定制的收养办法十分重要。 因此,新兴市场为数字病理学领域的持续增长提供了一个重要的机会领域。

Segmental Analysis of 基于AI的数字病理学市场

Insights, By End-Users: Increased focus on advanced medical education and research

In terms of end-users, academic institutions sub-segment contributes the highest share of 28.3% in the market owing to increased focus on advanced medical education and research. Integration of AI and advanced imaging techniques into curriculum and research projects has resulted in accelerated adoption of associated technologies.

A major factor propelling academic institutions segment is the need to impart hands-on experience and exposure to latest diagnostic practices to students. AI-based digital pathology solutions allow easy sharing of cases between faculty members and students which enhances learning outcomes. Adoption helps upgrade laboratory infrastructure as well as diagnostic capabilities of affiliated hospitals.

Growing public-private partnerships encourage academic centers to modernize facilities for collaborative research. AI algorithms developed using large datasets can be utilized to study disease mechanisms and boost efficacy of new drug development process. Research grants from government as well as private players promote equipping labs with cutting-edge tools. Integration of digital assets also aids publication of landmark studies.

Rising competitive pressure motivates institutions to focus on differentiating education programs. Advanced training in AI-powered analysis improves employability of graduates in rapidly evolving healthcare industry. Positive reputation boost associated with innovative research attracts talent as well as external funding. This establishes long term advantage over counterparts with conventional methodologies.

AI-based Digital Pathology Market By Segmentation

Insights, By Area of Application: Benefits in workflow optimization and improved clinical decision making

In terms of area of application, diagnostics sub-segment contributes the highest share of 48.2% in the market owing to benefits in workflow optimization and improved clinical decision making. Diagnostics form the major application area for AI-based digital pathology owing to benefits in optimization of workflow as well as clinical decision-making process. Transition from conventional microscopic analysis to automated image scanning and interpretation improves efficiency multifold.

Pathologists are able to rapidly scan huge volume of slides and concentrate only on cases that warrant detailed evaluation. AI prioritizes urgent/suspicious cases to top of workflow. This ensures on-time reviews and reporting without compromising accuracy. Streamlined workflow allows optimal utilization of limited diagnostic resources.

Advanced AI algorithms match stained slide patterns to vast dataset of known disease characteristics with very high accuracy. Computer-assisted diagnosis augments diagnostic abilities of pathologists. Integration of patient history data further enhances clinical context. This fosters more consistent and objective diagnosis even for rare or complex cases.

AI solutions also enable quantitative analysis of biomarkers/indicators and generation of detailed reports. Standardization achieved through digitization and automation of quantitative methods aids multidisciplinary care decisions. Retrospective analysis of archival data or sequential samples is easy using AI-powered search tools.

In view of above advantages in turnaround time reduction, workload management, diagnostic consistency and treatment tracking - diagnostic application segment dominates AI-based digital pathology market currently and adoption is expected to accelerate further with improving accuracy and capabilities of deep learning models.

Competitive overview of 基于AI的数字病理学市场

在基于AI的数字病理学市场运营的主要角色包括Aiforia Technologies,Akoya Biosciences,Ibex医学分析,Indica Labs,PathAI,PROSCIA,Roche组织诊断,和Visiophharm.

基于AI的数字病理学市场 Leaders

  • Aiforia 技术
  • Akoya 生物科学
  • Ibex 医学分析
  • 印地语实验室
  • 路径AI
*Disclaimer: Major players are listed in no particular order.

基于AI的数字病理学市场 - Competitive Rivalry, 2023

Market Concentration Graph


Market Consolidated
(Dominated by major players)
Market Fragmented
(Highly competitive with lots of players.)
*Source: Coherent Market Insights

Recent Developments in 基于AI的数字病理学市场

  • 2024年2月,罗什宣布与PathAI建立合作伙伴关系,以增强数字病理学能力,重点是利用AI动力图像分析开发伴生诊断. 预计这种合作将大大影响诊断的效率和准确性。

基于AI的数字病理学市场 Report - Table of Contents

    • Research Objectives
    • Assumptions
    • Abbreviations
    • Report Description
      • Market Definition and Scope
    • Executive Summary
      • AI-based Digital Pathology Market, By End-Users
      • AI-based Digital Pathology Market, By Area of Application
    • Coherent Opportunity Map (COM)
    • Market Dynamics
    • Impact Analysis
    • Key Highlights
    • Regulatory Scenario
    • Product Launches/Approvals
    • PEST Analysis
    • PORTER’s Analysis
    • Merger and Acquisition Scenario
  4. Global AI-based Digital Pathology Market, By End-Users, 2024-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Introduction
      • Market Share Analysis, 2024 and 2031 (%)
      • Y-o-Y Growth Analysis, 2019 - 2031
      • Segment Trends
    • Academic Institutions
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Hospitals / Healthcare Institutions
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Laboratories
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Diagnostic Institutions
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Research Institutions
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
  5. Global AI-based Digital Pathology Market, By Area of Application, 2024-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Introduction
      • Market Share Analysis, 2024 and 2031 (%)
      • Y-o-Y Growth Analysis, 2019 - 2031
      • Segment Trends
    • Diagnostics
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Research
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Other Applications
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
  6. Global AI-based Digital Pathology Market, By Region, 2024-2031, Value (USD Bn)
    • Introduction
      • Market Share (%) Analysis, 2024,2027 & 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Regional Trends
    • North America
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, By End-Users , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Area of Application , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
        • U.S.
        • Canada
    • Latin America
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, By End-Users , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Area of Application , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
        • Brazil
        • Argentina
        • Mexico
        • Rest of Latin America
    • Europe
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, By End-Users , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Area of Application , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
        • Germany
        • U.K.
        • Spain
        • France
        • Italy
        • Russia
        • Rest of Europe
    • Asia Pacific
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, By End-Users , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Area of Application , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
        • China
        • India
        • Japan
        • Australia
        • South Korea
        • ASEAN
        • Rest of Asia Pacific
    • Middle East
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, By End-Users , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Area of Application , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
        • GCC Countries
        • Israel
        • Rest of Middle East
    • Africa
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, By End-Users , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Area of Application , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
        • South Africa
        • North Africa
        • Central Africa
    • Aiforia Technologies
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Akoya Biosciences
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Ibex Medical Analytics
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Indica Labs
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • PathAI
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Roche Tissue Diagnostics
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Visiopharm
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
  8. Analyst Recommendations
    • Wheel of Fortune
    • Analyst View
    • Coherent Opportunity Map
  9. References and Research Methodology
    • References
    • Research Methodology
    • About us

基于AI的数字病理学市场 Segmentation

  • 最终使用者
    • 学术机构
    • 医院/保健机构
    • 实验室
    • 诊断机构
    • 研究机构
  • 按适用范围
    • 诊断
    • 研究
    • 其他应用程序

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