Botanicals Market 规模与份额分析 - 成长趋势与预测 (2024 - 2031)

Botanicals Market is By Product Type (Herbs, Spices, Essential Oils, Others (Plant Extracts, Medicinal Plants)), By Application (Food and Beverage, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics and Personal Care, Nutraceuticals), By Form (Dry, Liquid, Powder), By Distribution Channel (Direct Sales, Online, Retail, Supermarkets/Hypermarkets, Specialty Stores), By Geography (North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East, and Africa). The report offers the value (in USD billion) for the above-mentioned segments.

植物市场 Size

市场规模(美元) Bn


研究期2024 - 2031
主要玩家DSM 系统, AmbePhytoextracts (英语)., 贝杰, 印度语, 缩写 and Among Others.
*来源:Coherent Market Insights
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植物市场 Analysis

全球植物市场估计价值为: 2024年112.31亿美元 预计将达到 到2031年达到174.10亿美元以复合年增长率增长(CAGR),从2024年到2031年占6.5%.。 。 。 人们对植物学的药用特性和各种健康效益的认识不断提高,促使更多的消费者使用植物学产品. 对植物补充剂和支持免疫、肠道健康、记忆和心脏健康的成分的需求不断增加。 许多主要的个人关怀和食品饮料品牌都专注于引入含有植物提取物的新产品线.

市场正出现一些积极的趋势,例如增加了侧重于确定新植物及其特性的研发活动。 许多初创企业正在进入空间,开发含有天然植物提取物的创新产品. COVID-19大流行病进一步推动了市场的发展,因为消费者正希望通过植物产品来提升他们的免疫力。

植物市场 Trends

市场驱动力 -- -- 消费者对自然产品比合成产品的好处的认识有所提高。

由于现代生活方式速度快,污染严重,许多消费者对其日常消费的成分有了高度的认识。 人们日益认识到,与天然植物成分相比,合成和化学加工产品可能长期对健康造成一些不利影响。 这促使许多买家选择被认为更安全、具有更多营养特性的自然替代方法。 消费者越来越多地转向阿尤尔韦达和传统中医药等古代医药系统,作为利用草药、植物和植物提取物以温和而有效的方式改善整体福祉的手段。 基于植物学的产品被视为这种自然治愈方法的延伸,被认为与人体协同工作,而不是破坏其内部平衡.

另外,在当今的社交媒体驱动下,消费者在做出购买决定之前,会认真研究每种成分。 这提高了对人工防腐剂、颜色和风味的潜在危险的认识。 许多人对强调某些合成添加剂与癌症、肝脏或肾脏损伤和激素失衡等情况风险增加之间的联系的科学研究感到震惊。 相比之下,从植物来源衍生的活性植物化学被认为比较温和,并拥有能够增强免疫力的抗氧化剂. 一些药草也被证明能应付压力、焦虑和促进放松。 这已转化为对植物性注入功能食品、补充品和具有可识别自然含量的美容产品的强烈需求。


在涉及自然权利主张时,人们越来越对纵容误导性营销做法的品牌感到失望。 许多公司正在接受审查,以突出一种单一的植物成分,但没有明确说明可能存在的其他合成物。 这种双重性在针对有健康意识的受众的溢价终端产品中更加不受重视。 今天的店主希望能够充分了解他们究竟在购买什么,不希望在采购和处理不同部件方面有任何模糊之处。 它们密切跟踪供应链,以确认真实性,并在整个价值链中尽量减少潜在的环境或社会剥削。

为实现这种对透明度的期望,企业必须科学地证明包装中的自然含量百分比,并对购买者进行关于允许的实验室改进(如果有的话)的教育,而不是实际的工厂改良。 有机和公平贸易认证有助于建立信任,但可信度也取决于对农场的直接追踪。 认真对待采购责任的公司对可持续性问题作出积极反应,而不是被动反应。 有的与来源伙伴结成协作联盟,为持续供应自然动物建立质量标准和监测规程。 通过超越基本的遵守,它们会影响消费者的忠诚,并且可以要求长期对真正绿色的,道德上产生的植物成分给予奖励.

在这个自觉支出的时代,透明度比任何营销运动更能推动满意. 它使客户能够选择符合其健康、生态和社会福利价值的产品。

Global Botanicals Market Key Factors

市场挑战 -- -- 监管的复杂性和质量控制问题影响到原材料的一致性。

全球植物市场面临着影响原材料一致性的重大监管复杂性和质量控制问题。 不同区域和国家对新的植物成分和产品有不同的批准程序和标准. 这导致在地理上统一获得许可和推出产品方面出现延误。 此外,植物来源于自然,其组成可视生长条件、地理和收获时间而波动。 保持各地不同来源原材料的一贯质量是一项重大挑战。 在监管检查中发现的任何质量问题都可能影响生产和供应。 严格的进口规则也影响了植物学的无缝全球运动. 市场主体必须进行大量投资,以满足不同的监管规范. 质量控制和供应链管理进一步增加了业务费用。 总体而言,导航监管环境并确保质量标准增加了新产品的研发成本。

市场机会 -- -- 对包括植物成分在内的功能饮料的兴趣日益增加

消费者对功能饮料的兴趣越来越大,这些饮料除了基本饮料之外,还提供了额外的健康和健康福利。 植物成分因其各种营养和药用特性而日益得到探索。 需要含有支持免疫健康、新陈代谢、能量和其他功能的陶瓷、姜、瓜拉纳、阿罗维拉等植物的饮料。 随着人们更注重预防性保健和生活方式,带有草药提取物的饮料已成为获得每日福利的方便方式。 各种初创企业正在这一部门进行创新,主流品牌也正在推出此类服务。 特别是千年和Gen Z消费者热衷于尝试具有天然成分的产品. 随着对植物学健康支持特性的认识的提高,市场参与者将有机会开发新的饮料概念、配方和营销战略,以利用这一趋势。 功能饮料预计将成为全球增长最快的类别之一。

Segmental Analysis of 植物市场

By Product Type - Culinary delights and traditional medicine

In terms of By Product Type, Herbs contributes the highest share of the market with 40% in 2024 owning to their widespread use in culinary applications and traditional medicine. Herbs have been an integral part of human civilization for centuries, with a variety of species like basil, oregano, thyme and mint being commonly used globally to enhance the flavor and aromas of diverse cuisines. Many herbs also hold valuable medicinal properties, with garlic, ginger and turmeric having strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Turmeric in particular is a core component of Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine, while garlic has a long history of therapeutic use in cold, cough and digestive issues. Their easy availability and affordability have further strengthened the popularity of herbs amongst consumers and manufacturers alike.

Global Botanicals Market Segment Type

By Application - Flavorfulness and functionality

In terms of By Application, Food and Beverage contributes the highest share of the market with 45% in 2024 due to botanicals' ability to impart delightful flavors and functional benefits. Whether fresh or dried, many botanicals make rich additions to snacks, soups, sauces and beverages of all kinds. From sage in stuffing to coriander in chutneys, botanical flavors bring dishes to life. Additionally, certain botanicals cater to evolving health and wellness needs, with ginger aiding digestion and turmeric supporting joint mobility. Their applications across cuisines of all palatability spectrums, from sweet to savory, has bolstered food and beverage's position as the dominant segment.

By Form - Versatility and convenience

In terms of By Form, Dry contributes the highest share of the market owing to its versatility and convenience advantages over other forms. Being lightweight and compact, dry botanicals are hassle-free to ship, store and handle. Without concerns over leakage or spoilage, dry variants maintain quality over long shelf lives. Furthermore, dry botanicals are extremely flexible in terms of rehydration- some simply require boiling water while others need steeping or infusions. This versatility allows dry botanicals to suit diverse preparation techniques across cuisines, medicines and other applications. Their ability to be effortlessly incorporated precisely as per requirements has made dry a preferred option amongst commercial Forms.

Competitive overview of 植物市场

在全球植物市场运营的主要角色包括DSM,AmbePhytoextracts,Berje,Indesso, Lipoid Kosmetic, Prakruti源,拉特兰生物动力学,绿色实验室,Stoney Hill农场的Herbarie,Umalaxmi有机公司,Integra生物科学公司,Labconco公司,Flexicare(集团)有限责任公司,Stryker公司和史密斯医疗公司.

植物市场 Leaders

  • DSM 系统
  • AmbePhytoextracts (英语).
  • 贝杰
  • 印度语
  • 缩写
*Disclaimer: Major players are listed in no particular order.

植物市场 - Competitive Rivalry, 2023

Market Concentration Graph


Market Consolidated
(Dominated by major players)
Market Fragmented
(Highly competitive with lots of players.)
*Source: Coherent Market Insights

Recent Developments in 植物市场

  • 2024年4月24日,华为,华为,华为,华为,华为,华为,华为,华为,华为,华为,华为,华为,华为,华为,华为,华为,华为等. 埃沃尼克语Name 已经启动了一个新的植物学和自然活动商业部门,巩固了它在植物提取和自然活动方面的专长。 这部分是营养与护理司的一部分,它增强了埃沃尼克在其皮肤研究所的支持下,满足对自然、权利要求得到证实的活动物不断增长的需求的能力。
  • 2023年10月(农历) DSM - 费尔梅尼奇 与意大利植物学供应商Indena建立了战略伙伴关系,为人类健康创造创新的植物学解决方案.
  • 2023年3月时: 营养技术启动 诺韦拉引进了专有技术来培养营养植物成分,而不使用整个植物. 这一创新平台旨在增加全球获得高价值营养素的机会。
  • 2022年5月,基于印度的创业者Leaven Publicitys在全球市场上推出了其品牌植物提取物,其重点是提供符合客户需要的科学支持和有效的草药解决方案.
  • 2023年1月,绿山生物科技(Green Mountain Biotech)和MeNow(MeNow)发起了一个项目,重点是为皮肤状况发现新的植物组合.

植物市场 Report - Table of Contents

    • Research Objectives
    • Assumptions
    • Abbreviations
    • Report Description
      • Market Definition and Scope
    • Executive Summary
      • Global Botanicals Market, By Product Type
      • Global Botanicals Market, By Application
      • Global Botanicals Market, By Form
      • Global Botanicals Market, By Distribution Channel
    • Coherent Opportunity Map (COM)
    • Market Dynamics
    • Impact Analysis
    • Key Highlights
    • Regulatory Scenario
    • Product Launches/Approvals
    • PEST Analysis
    • PORTER’s Analysis
    • Merger and Acquisition Scenario
  4. Global Botanicals Market, By Product Type, 2024-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Introduction
      • Market Share Analysis, 2024 and 2031 (%)
      • Y-o-Y Growth Analysis, 2019 - 2031
      • Segment Trends
    • Herbs
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Spices
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Essential Oils
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Others (Plant Extracts, Medicinal Plants)
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
  5. Global Botanicals Market, By Application, 2024-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Introduction
      • Market Share Analysis, 2024 and 2031 (%)
      • Y-o-Y Growth Analysis, 2019 - 2031
      • Segment Trends
    • Food and Beverage
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Pharmaceuticals
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Cosmetics and Personal Care
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Nutraceuticals
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
  6. Global Botanicals Market, By Form, 2024-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Introduction
      • Market Share Analysis, 2024 and 2031 (%)
      • Y-o-Y Growth Analysis, 2019 - 2031
      • Segment Trends
    • Dry
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Liquid
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Powder
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
  7. Global Botanicals Market, By Distribution Channel, 2024-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Introduction
      • Market Share Analysis, 2024 and 2031 (%)
      • Y-o-Y Growth Analysis, 2019 - 2031
      • Segment Trends
    • Direct Sales
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Online Retail
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Supermarkets/Hypermarkets
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Specialty Stores
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
  8. Global Botanicals Market, By Region, 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
    • Introduction
      • Market Share (%) Analysis, 2024,2027 & 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Y-o-Y Growth Analysis (%), 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Regional Trends
    • North America
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Application , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Form , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
        • U.S.
        • Canada
    • Latin America
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Application , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Form , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
        • Brazil
        • Argentina
        • Mexico
        • Rest of Latin America
    • Europe
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Application , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Form , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
        • Germany
        • U.K.
        • Spain
        • France
        • Italy
        • Russia
        • Rest of Europe
    • Asia Pacific
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Application , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Form , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
        • China
        • India
        • Japan
        • Australia
        • South Korea
        • ASEAN
        • Rest of Asia Pacific
    • Middle East
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Application , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Form , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
        • GCC Countries
        • Israel
        • Rest of Middle East
    • Africa
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Product Type , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Application , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Form , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
      • Market Size and Forecast, By Distribution Channel , 2019 - 2031, Value (USD Bn)
        • South Africa
        • North Africa
        • Central Africa
    • DSM
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • AmbePhytoextracts
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Berje
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Indesso
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Lipoid Kosmetic
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Prakruti Sources
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Rutland Biodynamics
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • The Green Labs
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • The Herbarie at Stoney Hill Farm
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Umalaxmi Organics
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Integra Biosciences AG
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Labconco Corporation
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Flexicare (Group) Limited
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Stryker Corporation
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Smiths Medical
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
  10. Analyst Recommendations
    • Wheel of Fortune
    • Analyst View
    • Coherent Opportunity Map
  11. References and Research Methodology
    • References
    • Research Methodology
    • About us

植物市场 Segmentation

  • 按产品类型
    • 草药
    • 调味料
    • 基本石油
    • 其他(植物提取物、药用植物)
  • 通过应用程序
    • 食品和饮料
    • 药品
    • 化妆品和个人护理
    • 神经元
  • 按表单
    • 干燥
    • 液体
    • 粉点
  • 按分发频道
    • 直接销售
    • 在线零售
    • 超级市场/超级市场
    • 专用存储

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监管的复杂性和质量控制问题影响到原材料的一致性。 可持续来源和种植做法方面的挑战。 它们是阻碍全球植物市场增长的主要因素。



