United States Distilled Spirits Market 规模与份额分析 - 成长趋势与预测 (2024 - 2031)

United States Distilled Spirits Market is Segmented By Product Type (Whiskey, Vodka, Rum, Gin, Tequila, Brandy, Others), By Distribution Type (Oral, Topical, Others). The report offers the value (in USD billion) for the above-mentioned segments.

美国精神分裂市场 Size

市场规模(美元) Bn


研究期2024 - 2031
主要玩家迪阿盖奥plc, Pernod-Ricard SA 超级大奖赛, 星座品牌公司., 布朗福曼公司, 雷米·科恩特罗 and Among Others.
*来源:Coherent Market Insights
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美国精神分裂市场 Analysis

美国蒸馏精液市场规模有望达到 到2031年,8.2 Bn美元美元 5.51 联合国 2023年的Bn, (英语). 以美元计 CAGR为5.2%. 在预测期间。 自殖民时代以来,食用蒸馏精液一直是美国的传统. 通过快速发酵,然后蒸馏各种淀粉和糖类作物,如谷物、水果或蔬菜,产生蒸馏的魂魄。 随着对溢价和超级精品品牌的日益偏好,特别是在千年和Gen Z消费者中,市场已经扩大,包括了由不同原材料制成的各种精神.


增加酗酒需求 饮料: 对酒精饮料、特别是蒸馏液的需求日益增加,是美国蒸馏液市场的一个重要驱动因素。 这一需求受到若干因素的助长,包括消费基础日益扩大,特别是在年轻和稳步增长的成人人口当中,以及消费者购买力不断提高。 蒸馏精液制造中的研发在蒸馏精液市场中发挥重要作用,因为这些产品的需求主要取决于消费者的品味和喜好的变化.

改善经济、社会、文化权利委员会 条件 : 随着美国经济在COVID-19大流行后继续增强,全国各地的消费者越来越能够更自由地在自由裁量品上消费. 精神制造商直接受益于消费者信心和消费能力的增长。 随着失业率的下降和工资在过去一年中逐步上升,家庭现在更有能力和意愿通过在家庭或在酒吧和餐馆等社会环境中享受高额精神来治疗自己。 这种经济复苏为蒸馏精液工业创造了尾风,使收入在可预见的将来继续增长。


酒精消费导致疾病负担沉重: 酒精消费造成了严重的疾病负担,从几个方面对蒸馏的精神市场产生了负面影响。 酗酒有害与一系列健康问题有关,包括精神和行为障碍、主要非传染性疾病和伤害。 据估计,全球疾病和伤害负担的5.1%是饮酒造成的。

严格的政府条例: 对蒸馏液生产者的营销和广告活动施加了广泛的限制。 例如,条例不允许可能吸引未成年人口的印刷内容、电视、广播广告或数字宣传。 这严重限制了新产品发布和现有品牌宣传活动的推广范围。 根据世卫组织2020年的数据,美国近30%的目标顾客处于21-40岁的法定饮酒年龄组. 然而,缺乏晋升会减少他们选择蒸馏精液而不是其他酒精或非酒精饮料的机会.


e. 电子商业平台,方便提供: 电子商务平台通过提供直销消费者和地理目标营销机会,大大增强了美国市场蒸馏精品的可用性. 巴卡特等公司帮助蒸馏厂进入新市场,并通过电子商务解决方案增加销售.

工艺品和特制精品的出现: 工艺品和特长蒸馏精液的出现,真正为美国蒸馏精液工业提供了巨大的市场机会. 近年来,美国人表现出越来越强烈的渴望,要用独特的,小批量的手工精神进行实验,这些精神提供了超出标准啤酒,葡萄酒和酒品的新口味和经验. 这一趋势使许多小型、独立的蒸馏厂在全国城乡地区蓬勃发展。

分析视图点 :

美国蒸馏精品市场提供了令人信服的增长机会,其驱动力是高附加值趋势的上升以及产品口味和产品的革新。 预计该市场将吸引越来越多的投资,用于开发新产品。 然而,最近联邦消费税结构的变化和对营销和广告的更严格规定构成了挑战。 我们期望西海岸区域,特别是加利福尼亚州和华盛顿州,在扩大工艺蒸馏厂和试验当地独特的原料后,主导量的增长。 百年百货的强劲需求以及溢价和超级溢价品牌的受欢迎程度,促使波旁这一类别有可能仍然是最大和增长最快的分部。 虽然威士忌和龙舌兰酒有支持持续需求的十年趋势,但朗姆酒和伏特加面临着成熟的增长潜力。 电子商务已成为一个重要的销售渠道,其日益扩大的影响可以抵消传统销售网络的某些风险。 国际贸易动态和全球关税变化的潜在影响需要密切监测。 分销商之间的整合和大型品牌收购将继续形成行业竞争。 总体而言,随着负责任的消费和温和趋势的增强,如果能够有效地抓住关键机会,通过重点明确的战略减少风险,市场就能够持续扩张。

美国精神分裂市场 Trends


现成饮用罐装鸡尾酒的流行程度: 在过去几年里,随时可饮的罐装鸡尾酒的流行程度不断上升。 罐头鸡尾酒的方便和可携带性一直与想要无烦恼饮酒体验的消费者反应良好. 这已转化为提供罐装鸡尾酒选择权的公司强劲的销售增长。 例如,根据该公司的财务报告,2021年Anheuser-Busch的现成饮料销售量比前一年增长了40%以上。 早期进入罐装鸡尾酒空间的成功也刺激了许多大型蒸馏神灵品牌,如迪雅戈和佩尔诺德·里卡德,推出他们自己的线条预混合神灵.

图 1. 美国精神市场份额,按地区分列,2024年

United States Distilled Spirits Market By Region

Segmental Analysis of 美国精神分裂市场

Insights, By Product Type: Consumer Preference Whiskey for Its Rich Flavors

In terms of product type, whiskey sub-segment contributes the highest market share of 34.3% owing to consumer preference for its rich flavors.

Whiskey has dominated the US distilled spirits market for decades due to strong consumer demand. Americans have developed a deep affection for whiskey's complex taste profile, enjoying exploring different varieties from bourbon to scotch. Whiskey appeals to a wide range of drinkers due to its versatility - it can be sipped neat or on the rocks after dinner as well as added to cocktails.

Bourbon whiskey in particular has exploded in popularity in recent years. Its signature sweet vanilla and oak aromas from aging in charred oak barrels resonate well with modern tastes. American pride in bourbon as a homegrown product has also boosted sales. Several small-batch and artisanal bourbon distillers have emerged to cater to connoisseurs seeking unique flavor profiles. Meanwhile, Tennessee whiskey maintains a loyal following for its smoother character compared to other bourbons.

Scotch whiskey also has a robust customer base, though it has seen steeper import tariffs impact sales lately. Its aficionados appreciate exploring complex single malts from different regions of Scotland.

United States Distilled Spirits Market By Segment TypeInsights, By Distribution Type: Social Drinking Culture Drives the Oral Sub-segment Growth

In terms of By distribution type, oral sun-segment contributes the highest market share of 45.2% driven by social drinking culture. Americans enjoy socializing over cocktails with friends or spirits after a meal. Oral consumption allows for a spirited shared experience in a way that other administration methods do not.

Bars and restaurants are epicenters of the country's thriving drinking culture. Craft cocktails designed by innovative bartenders attract customers looking to treat themselves on nights out. Meanwhile, at home parties and sports viewing gatherings frequently incorporate an array of whiskey, rum or vodka cocktails. Supermarkets and liquor stores also sell the majority of their spirits for oral consumption in drinks.

While topical application and other alternative methods have gained some traction medicinally, they remain a niche compared to drinking. The act of social bonding through cocktails and other drinks gives oral the clear preference. Younger generations too have embraced spirits as a fun part of adult social lives rather than seeing them as something their parents drank.

Competitive overview of 美国精神分裂市场

Diageo plc、Pernod-Ricard SA、星座品牌公司、Brown-Forman公司、Remy Cointreau SA、Marie Brizard Wine & Spirits、Lapostolle SA、Berentzen-Gruppe AG、太阳饮料和食品有限公司、Bacardi有限公司、Sazerac公司、Pernod Ricard SA

美国精神分裂市场 Leaders

  • 迪阿盖奥plc
  • Pernod-Ricard SA 超级大奖赛
  • 星座品牌公司.
  • 布朗福曼公司
  • 雷米·科恩特罗
*Disclaimer: Major players are listed in no particular order.

美国精神分裂市场 - Competitive Rivalry, 2023

Market Concentration Graph


Market Consolidated
(Dominated by major players)
Market Fragmented
(Highly competitive with lots of players.)
*Source: Coherent Market Insights

Recent Developments in 美国精神分裂市场

  • 2023年3月,任,. 星座品牌尝起来一个现代媒体公司,将推出一个首创性内容工作室,该工作室将创建和分发社交和流媒体内容,推动全球消费者为星座品牌酒与精神而参与
  • 2023年2月,贝利一家品牌 diabeo plc 数据与Eurovision歌曲大赛合作, 给全球最大的现场音乐活动带来最终的款待。
  • 2022年11月,,号,. 美国 宣布计划投资2 200万美元,在阿肯色州史密斯堡工厂建造首条随时可以饮用(RTD)罐头线路,以提高其迅速将RTD带入市场的能力。
  • 2022年10月(明宣宗光绪三十一年). 斯米尔诺夫伏特加 与Gorillaz,Diago Plc.品牌合作,发行了新的鸡尾酒以及乐队成员为Gorillaz设计的限量版瓶. 限量版的瓶子是斯米尔诺夫第21号经典伏特加的复刻.

* 定义: 蒸馏精液(Distributed spirits)是指通过发酵的农业原料,如谷物,水果或其他可发酵成分的蒸馏产生的酒精饮料. 其特点是酒精含量高于啤酒和葡萄酒等饮料.

美国精神分裂市场 Report - Table of Contents

    • Research Objectives
    • Assumptions
    • Abbreviations
    • Report Description
      • Market Definition and Scope
    • Executive Summary
      • United States Distilled Spirits Market, By Product Type
      • United States Distilled Spirits Market, By Distribution Type
    • Coherent Opportunity Map (COM)
  3. Market Dynamics, Regulations, And Trends Analysis
    • Market Dynamics
    • Impact Analysis
    • Key Highlights
    • Regulatory Scenario
    • Product Launches/Approvals
    • PEST Analysis
    • PORTER’s Analysis
    • Merger and Acquisition Scenario
  4. United States Distilled Spirit Market – Impact Of Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic
    • COVID-19 Epidemiology
    • Impact in Supply Side and Demand Side Analysis
    • Economic Impact
  5. United States Distilled Spirits Market, By Product Type, 2024-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Introduction
      • Market Share Analysis, 2024 and 2031 (%)
      • Y-o-Y Growth Analysis, 2019 - 2031
      • Segment Trends
    • Whiskey
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Vodka
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Rum
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Gin
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Tequila
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Brandy
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Others
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
  6. United States Distilled Spirits Market, By Distribution Type, 2024-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Introduction
      • Market Share Analysis, 2024 and 2031 (%)
      • Y-o-Y Growth Analysis, 2019 - 2031
      • Segment Trends
    • Oral
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Topical
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
    • Others
      • Introduction
      • Market Size and Forecast, and Y-o-Y Growth, 2019-2031, (USD Bn)
  7. Competitive Landscape
    • Kweichow Moutai
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Diageo plc
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Anheuser-Busch Inbev
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Heineken
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Pernod Ricard SA
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Brown-Forman Corporation
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Marie Brizard Wine & Spirits
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Constellation Brands Inc
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Budweiser APAC
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Remy Cointreau SA
      • Company Highlights
      • Product Portfolio
      • Key Developments
      • Financial Performance
      • Strategies
    • Analyst Views
    • Research Methodology
    • About us

美国精神分裂市场 Segmentation

  • 按产品:
    • 威士忌
    • 伏特加
    • 鲁姆
    • 龙舌兰
    • 白兰地
    • 其他人员
  • 按发行频道:
    • 超级市场
    • 超市场
    • 专用存储
    • 药品储存
    • 在线
    • 其他人员

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